Monday, 11 August 2008

Bulletin 21 (August 2008)

The Archaeology of the First of the 20th-Century's Great Conflicts

A day school to be held at Rewley House, 1 Wellington Square, Oxford.

'Our knowledge and understanding of the First World War is considerable and yet much remains hidden. As we rapidly approach a time when there will be no surviving veterans of the conflict, the Great War through its archaeology offers a relatively new phenomenon that utilises familiar methodologies as well as innovative approaches to gain a better understanding of the war. This day school draws together a number of leading experts on Great War archaeology to examine a broad range of themes - from the sands of the desert war to the mud of Flanders and the material traces of those who fought'

Saturday 28 February 2009

Speakers include -

Dr Nicholas Saunders - 'Trench Art: Material Culture and the Antrhopological Dimensions of Great War Archaeology'

Richard Osgood & Martin Brown - 'We shall Certainly Change The Geography: Soldiers, civilians and the battle of Messines'

Peter Chassead - 'Imaging Golgotha - Aerial Photpgrahs and Trench Maps of the Western Front'

Dr Neil Faulkener - 'Trains Trenches and Tents: the Archaeology of Lawrence of Arabia's War'

Jon Price - 'Rise and Deride This Sepulchre of Crime: The Role of Archaeology and the Missing Dead of the Great War'

Fee options
With full lunch - £50
With baguette lunch - £42.50
Without lunch - £40

For further information -

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